Microsoft excel courses
Microsoft excel courses


Learning formulas, such as IF, COUNTIF, SUMIF, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and AVERAGEIF.Some of the highlights of this course include:


The MS Excel beginners course will give you a full overview of all of the most common features of Excel and how to use them. You will then be fully prepared to move ahead to the intermediate course.

microsoft excel courses

When you finish this course, you will have a basic understanding of how to use many of the functions of Excel and will be able to use the program with ease. Each video in the course gives a full explanation of the concept and the instructor visually takes students through each concept step by step on the screen. After mastering the beginner's overview, the rest of the beginner's course will go further into these concepts, and then teach details on how to perform basic functions. You will also learn how to change the colour of tabs. In this section, you will learn how to rename a sheet, delete a sheet, hide and unhide a sheet, and move and copy a sheet. The second half of the beginner's Excel overview, which is only a small part of the beginner's course, will cover sheets, which is an entirely different concept than cells. You will also learn how to edit information that is put into a cell and how to insert and edit comments when using Excel. The course continues by explaining basic Excel concepts such as how to create, copy, delete, and cut information from Excel cells. The course begins with explaining concepts, such as ‘What is a cell?’ and how to tell the difference between a column and a row. If you are re-entering the workforce, you will also find that this course will suit you well, and will certainly get you caught up with your peers. It is also perfect for anyone who is familiar with the older versions of the software, but not the latest version. This course is ideal for anyone who has never used Excel or for those who have only a rudimentary understanding of the software. This beginners course is recommended for anyone who might use Excel at home or at work for uncomplicated reasons, such as tracking simple expenditures or for calculating sums or totals. Introduction to the Microsoft Excel for Beginners Course This helps to study when you have time, even if you have less than 20 minutes.

microsoft excel courses microsoft excel courses

Since the lessons in this course are only a few minutes each, it makes it very convenient for one to stop and start when necessary. You can also access these courses from any mobile device, including tablets, computers, and mobiles, as long as you have access to the internet. These training videos help you learn at your own pace, as there is no time limit nor deadline to complete the courses. By the time you finish the beginner, intermediate and advanced courses, you, too, will be an expert in Excel.


Whether you are brand new to the world of Excel, or you have training and knowledge of the software and are looking to improve your skills, this series of courses can help.

microsoft excel courses

Small business owners rely on Excel to track hours, finances and invoices, and large corporations rely on Excel for data analysis to visualise data and innumerable other tasks. This software is used in almost every industry, not to mention for personal use in households around the world. One of the most widely used programs for visualising and analysing data is Microsoft Excel. Any other versions will have some differences in the functions. Please Note: This course uses the Microsoft 365 version of Excel.

Microsoft excel courses